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naikan retreat

Self-reflection (Naikan) on the physical body may be uncommon practice for most of us. Often, in our busy-ness, we forget this most precious instrument in our daily work. One day of silent meditation, gentle exercise and nutritious sustenance may renew our commitment to our health and appreciation for life.

The Naikan Retreat is typically held once a year, but may move to twice a year depending on demand.


Nihon Matsuri

This Japanese-American festival is usually held each year in April. The Salt Lake Buddhist Temple participates in the festival to help educate the community about the Temple as well as raise funds through hosting a food booth.

Obon Festival

This festival is usually held on the second Saturday of July, and is the largest Temple festival of the year. The Obon Festival and the Obon Memorial Service are held in recognition of a story found in the Ulambana Sutra. The story concerns one of Shakyamuni Buddha's ten great disciples, Mogallana. The festival features food for sale, Taiko drumming, dancing and Temple tours. All are welcome to attend.

japanese Food festival

This annual fundraising event is usually held in October each year.

Holiday Boutique

This annual fundraising event is usually held in November each year.